Thing 13: Augmented & Virtual Reality
I knew what virtual reality was before I started this Thing but did not know what Augmented Reality was. My daughter was obsessed with Pokemon Go for a while as was the entire population under 30 from what I could tell. My bf and I went to Niagara on the Lake in Canada and were outside a restaurant waiting for our table when we noticed that dozens of people were walking around looking at their phones. At first it didn't occur to me what they were doing because the craze had died down in Rochester but then it hit me. They were all playing Pokemon Go. It was hilarious. There were literally dozens of young people, adult-ish young people. I installed it on my phone during the height of the phase but couldn't figure out how to do it although, admittedly, I gave up quickly. I listened to the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast and was laughing when the guy said that all you need are some old devices and Google Cardboard to use Virtual Reality in the classroom....